Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Beyond Leadership

Saturday, September 06, 2008

As being a student in Master Management, We much learn the individual, group and organization in the lecture of Organizational Behavior. Leadership is one of main topic among these elements. The method of the teaching of Organizational Behavior in which include narration, presentation, discussion, life case and guest lecturer.
One of the guest lecturers is ever describing us about concepts of leadership. This lecture is very special since he is a practical together with academicals. He makes us quite astonishing with his talented orator and very interesting topic that ever narrated. He shared with us his long, valuables and worthy life experience for more than three decades in banking while other activities is done as well like being lecturer in academic school.

He is very smart designer of leader to blend in such best way between academic basic of leadership and non-academic ones. He is a character to personally blend the essence of leadership that is derived from both academic school and practical institution. He described very well around twelve concepts of leadership that really derives from formal academic knowledge but in the source of experience, culture and history.

After almost one trimester completely we have learnt Organizational Behavior, then we have been assigned to set up retention of the book written by Dr. Djokosantoso Moeljono. For myself this book is really meaningful and worthy to comprehend and further to implement in our carrier. We then understand and more aware of what we should do to learn and comprehend leadership that will be very useful to our next guidelines into organization development.


Beyond leadership teach us many things. As being a leader it is not sufficient to adopt the basic leadership only from academic side or formal source. Beyond both of source, there have been many leadership clues and essence to comprehend and to implement. Leader is dynamic and strategic position, it is necessary to accompany along with dynamic and strategic leadership as well. History, culture, environment, and experience are source of leadership elements that we would rather adopt and learn it than disobey it.

Some of managers have proved it that formal leadership sometimes not sufficient to challenge more dynamics competition and environments, it is still require beyond leadership to cover the rest area. Some managers or leaders are sometimes very smart and brilliant at the beginning but then easy to surrender at the end, they fail to challenge the more complicated things faced by organization. It is kind of lack of maturity or lack of leadership competence. The leader needs so many requirements as such high vision, value, courage, competence and strong characters. These high conditions are preserved to conduct against the organization failure.

History, facts and experiences are ever personalized by great leaders show us the role of beyond leadership that together with formal leadership is forming to more reliable and credible leader. In addition, the leader, together with the people are playing more important role than other like software and hardware. Leader makes thing happen.

In the modern and dynamic organization the more leadership will be required to keep on maintaining balance with the faster environment and competition. Beyond leadership that originally derived from culture, experience, previous facts are getting more significant to cover the rest area that not plotted by formal and conventional leadership.

The writer with his practical experience and long life learning of leadership is really contribute onto management in general, and organization in specialty, to enrich the landscape of leadership. People and public are then hoped to respond the stimulus of this opinion of leadership in order they may pull out the advantages of this shared-saying opinion. People and public further are able to judge in proportionally between the leader capacity and organization concern and then they fully support and correct any missing of leadership.

To the student who represents the next candidate of leader, this landscape of opinion will be valuable and worthy to adopt and start implementing by now. They still have a lot of time to learn, analyze and perfect the opinion against the change of organization. Leadership, ethic, and business law are better to carry out in the earlier institution of academic, like high school, to plant its seed and let it grow up inside along their personality.

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