Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

How many actors in hollywood

Movie Extras

What would a movie look like without extras? Most likely you would see a handful of actors interacting in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic world devoid of any other human beings. Extras are critical to making any film or television show look realistic. And yes, it is a thankless (translation: low pay) job as the charming documentary, Strictly Background (2007), points out. The documentary lifts the curtain on the world of extras and highlights some of the most determined and patient wanna-be actors in Tinsel Town. Some of the highlights from the realm of movie extras:
There are 45,000 active extras working in Hollywood.
1,000 new extras sign up each week hoping to work on a film or TV project.
90% of newly-signed extras quit within the first year.
Union extras earn $154 for an 8-hour day.
Non-unions extras earn $118 for an 8-hour day.
Each movie requires 45 union extras. The rest of the jobs are filled by non-union extras.
Each TV show requires 17 union extras.
There is a non-spoken rule that extras do not make eye contact or speak with the principal actors on set.
Many film or TV projects require extras to bring their own wardrobe to a set.
Ageism is alive and well in Hollywood younger extras (25-35 years old) get most of the work.
The extra must perfect pantomime acting.
Although the number of extras working in Hollywood can be quantified, ascertaining how many actors are actively working in Los Angeles is very difficult to determine, since the Screen Actors Guild keeps very tight-lipped about its numbers. Scott Frank, an anthropologist with a focus on Hollywood, has spent many agonizing hours just to arrive at an educated guess. Out of perhaps 108,640 actors in Hollywood, Frank surmises only 21,728 are actually working actors. When you consider A-list actors, that number should presumably drop to double-digits, like 70 or 60. Regardless of the final number of working actors, their number is dwarfed by the army of hard-working extras who provide the context for the actors’ performances.
For further reading: http://www.strictlybackground.com

Hollywood—According To Those "In The Know"

by Wayne Lela

(Author's note: This is the original, unedited version of the article, except for several small, more recent additions.)
Actors and actresses and comedians and comediennes have exerted enormous influence over this society via TV and cinema. Assuming we should know more about the kind of people exerting that influence, the following. As will be shown, drug use, prostitution (i.e., trading sexual favors for movie roles), and mental illness are very common in Hollywood.
Various entertainment writers have drawn attention to the widespread use of illegal drugs in Hollywood. For example:
1) Roger Ebert: "Half the people in Hollywood seem to have gone through recovery from drugs and alcohol by now [1990]."1
2) Jorge Casuso: "During the freewheeling '70s, Hollywood seemed to be riding a coke-induced high. On screen, recreational drugs were the props of the glamorous...[or] they were psychedelic aids in the search for Truth....Off-screen, drugs were part of the Hollywood mystique, seemingly taken as casually as a cocktail. Business deals were cut over vials of cocaine."2
3) Michael Kilian: "Hollywood was notorious [this said in 1984] for its nonchalantly open use of the drug [cocaine] by celebrities."3
4) Clarence Petersen wrote in 1992: Hollywood is "a mean town, run by weird men (mostly) addicted to power, money, deals, drugs, and bimbos."4
5) Walter Scott: "A knowledgeable studio executive tells Parade [magazine in 1996] that drug use is as big---or bigger---than ever in the movie capitol [Hollywood]."5
6) Hilary de Vries, in 1998, noted "Hollywood's renewed use of drugs."6
7) And film critic Michael Wilmington, in 1998, similarly observed that "a sort of heroin/cocaine chic exists in today's Hollywood."7
(Drug use in Hollywood is so "normal" one has to wonder just how corrupt the police force and judicial system have become. And don't Hollywood's drug users care that they are supporting murderous drug kingpins and gangs and armies in Columbia and Mexico and elsewhere?)
Wherever you find rampant drug use you will usually find prostitution. It's no big secret that there are a lot of prostitutes in Hollywood. What you may not know, though, is how many actors/actresses prostitute themselves in order to get acting work.
Actor Woody Harrelson admitted: "Every [acting] business I ever entered into in New York seemed to have a casting couch....I've seen so many people sleep with people they loathe in order to further their ambition."8
Actress Jenny McCarthy similarly acknowledged: "L.A. [Los Angeles] is the worst place in the world to try to feel secure. The girls that moved out there at the same time as me, I watched them fizzle and turn into walking on the streets at night. You see that in the movies and hear about casting couches---which I thought were just big fluffy couches---but you don't know till you experience it how corrupt it is. I was the only girl in my clique who wasn't sleeping with someone to get a job."9
Chris Hanley, producer of over 20 movies ("American Psycho," "The Virgin Suicides," etc.), "told his class reunion at Amherst College in Massachusetts about the Hollywood casting process: 'Almost every leading actress in all of my 24 films has slept with a director or producer or a leading actor to get the part that launched her career.'"10
Entertainment writer Peter Keough describes Hollywood as "a town where everyone is selling body and soul for fame and fortune, and all---especially women---are considered commodities."11
Entertainment writer Jon Anderson: "Insecure, seeking love, terrified of abandonment, needing public acclaim to quell their private demons, [such are] the creatures who rise to rule over the West Coast entertainment industry....[Former show-business writer Paul] Rosenfield offers evidence [in his book The Club Rules] that this is a world of shallow friendships, blocked emotions, [and] upwardly mobile sex."12
Entertainment writer Bill Zwecker: "Hollywood---a town known for rampant infidelity, sleazy affairs, marital woes and serial romances."13
A couple of business writers, Carol S. Pearson and Sharon Sievert, have noted that in an "organization where it has become normal to sacrifice one's personal life and one's ethical standards to career success...people with deep-seated psychological problems or serious addictions often rise to the top because pathology actually is a pre-condition for making the extraordinary personal sacrifices and ethical compromises required for success."14 Hollywood offers much support for that observation.
For example, actress and comedienne Janeane Garofalo admitted: "My self-esteem is always in the toilet....Show business attracts the people with the lowest self-esteem."15
Actor Simon Pegg: "Part of the reason you're an actor is because you're deeply insecure."16
Actress Meryl Streep: "Anybody who picks acting as a profession is bathed in insecurity....I've had those feelings."17
Leonardo DiCaprio, who, like so many Hollywood celebs, came from a broken home, answered thusly a question about why he became an actor: "We're all after love, aren't we? Love is what people are hungry for. That's absolutely why I became an actor."18 (So many celebs are in therapy because they look for love in all the wrong places, as a song put it, going unfulfilled forever. DiCaprio is sadly mistaken when he essentially equates or confuses the shallow adoration of fans with love. Others sadly and misguidedly confuse sex with love.)
Actor Shia LaBeouf: "Actors live dependent on being validated by other people's opinions....The good actors are all screwed up. They're all in pain. It's a profession of bottom feeders and heartbroken people."19
Actress and director Katt Shea had "trauma-filled elementary schooldays. 'I don't know why a certain kid is picked as the scapegoat,' she says, recalling 'very, very painful' years as an outcast in grade school....Shea admits she's 'probably socially dysfunctional.'...To combat her fears and to do something with her life, she chose acting."20
Actor Michael J. Fox also felt like somewhat of an outcast when young: "You become an actor because you're a 15-year-old geek. Ten years later you're on magazine covers because you focused your neuroses in a malleable craft."21
Actor Jeff Dorchen likewise admitted to feeling "geeky" when younger. He described his fellow college arts students as "a bunch of people who, like myself, had been geeks and weirdos in high school."22
Actor Dennis Quaid on his high school years: "I wasn't a popular kid. I spent a lot of time by myself."23
Actor Paul Rudd: "I always felt a little bit like an outsider [in high school]. My senior year, I got more confident, I didn't feel like a total nerd."24
When actor Charles Durning enrolled in drama school he "was a dreadfully shy person" by his own admission.25
Actress Claire Bloom described those in the theatrical profession thusly: "we were all outsiders of one kind or another."26
U.S. News & World Report on Steven Spielberg: "An awkward outsider in his youth,...Spielberg found in his father's 8-mm camera a means of escape and connection."27
Actor Cory Monteith "grew up in Victoria, British Columbia, feeling like an outsider....'I never fit in, so I started pretending I was other people.'"28
Actress Charlize Theron, who's father was an alcoholic killed by her mother in self-defense: "I always felt like an outsider [when I was young]."29
Actor Daniel Radcliffe, in response to an interviewer's question ("Growing up, did you have the sense of being an outsider?"), answered: "Totally! I remember being 6 years old and knowing that I saw the world differently from the rest of the boys in my class. I have always said to myself there must be a reason for me being this weird."30
Outsiders, outcasts, geeks, weirdos, neurotics, people with low self-esteem, prostitutes, and drug users---these are the types of people who are exercising enormous influence over our children via the entertainment industry.
And speaking of kids, child-actors in Hollywood are subjected to their own special pressures. According to actor Christian Slater: "You know, I had this belief system for many years that I had to suffer for my art....I thought if I didn't suffer for my art, I couldn't get really deeply into a character....That's what they teach young kids in this [acting] business."31 All we need are more suffering children.
Actor and comedian John Cleese: "A lot of creative ability does come from neuroses, pain."32
It's not just creative ability that comes from pain and suffering, but, ironically, comedy too.
Comedian Alan King stated this about fellow comedians: "[T]here is some form of deprivation---a large family, an affliction, alcoholic parents---something in early life, that creates this need to attract, to be paid attention to, to be loved. It's been said many times, including by Lenny Bruce: 'If it hurts, wait a minute; it'll become comedy.'"33
Billy Crystal: "I think so much of comedy is based on an anger. We're always looking for approval, looking for somebody to listen to us."34
Comedian Jim "Carrey said his sense of humor 'has always come from desperation.' This desperation for attention led to his performance debut in 3rd grade."35
Rodney Dangerfield: "People think comedians are happy people....It's the reverse. When I was writing jokes when I was 15, it wasn't because I was happy. It was to escape my reality."36
Comedienne Phyllis "Diller thinks there is one universal thing about standup comics. 'They usually are only children, or a child born late in life, or someone who has suffered some sense of abandonment. Check it out. It's true of almost all comics. Comics are searching for love.'"37
Cartoonist/humorist Gahan Wilson: "I think it was S.J. Perelman who said that the requisite for any humorist is an unhappy childhood....For most creative people, there's a great deal of storm and stress associated with it, one way or another. Mine was plenty traumatic."38
Comedy writer Diane English: "The definition of a comedy writer is somebody who did not have a pleasant childhood...and I can definitely put myself in that category."39
Comedian Jim J. Bullock: "Most comedians come from dysfunctional families."40
Comedienne Sarah Silverman on comedic talent: "It's almost like a sickness....I think it comes from some kind of damage or some kind of need or means of survival."41
From TV critic Neal Justin: "Many comedians suffer from depression."42
From film critic Richard Roeper: "Most of the best comics are dark, disturbed, brilliant observers of the human condition."43
To return to the subject of child-actors for a moment, in late 2011 film critic Roger Ebert referred to a "recent controversy about Hollywood child sexual abuse and the victims who aren't naming names."44 There is more about this outrage in a Fox News story http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/12/05/recent-charges-sexual-abuse-children-in-hollywood-just-tip-iceberg-experts-say/. From that story:
Actor Corey Feldman, 40, himself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by an unnamed Hollywood mogul, "unflinchingly warned of the world of pedophiles who are drawn to the entertainment industry last August. 'I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia.'" "Another child star from an earlier era agrees that Hollywood has long had a problem with pedophilia. 'When I watched that interview, a whole series of names and faces from my history went zooming through my head,' [said] Paul Peterson, 66, star of The Donna Reed Show....'Some of these people, who I know very well, are still in the game....The casting couch is a real thing, and sometimes just getting an appointment makes people do desperate things [like prostitute themselves].'"
According to actress Alison Arngrim: "This has been going on for a very long time....It was the gossip back in the ‘80s. People said, ‘Oh yeah, the Coreys [Corey Feldman and actor Corey Haim], everyone’s had them.’ People talked about it like it was not a big deal....I literally heard that they were ‘passed around'....The word was that they were given drugs and being used for sex. It was awful – these were kids, they weren’t 18 yet. There were all sorts of stories about everyone from their, quote, ‘set guardians’ on down that these two had been sexually abused and were totally being corrupted in every possible way."
I think we can safely conclude from all the aforegoing personal testimonials and personal observations by those in a position to know, that many influential actors and comedians are not exactly psychologically "normal" or healthy. Add to them the many drug-using, promiscuous, influential rock 'n' roll stars.
Given all that, is it any wonder sexual exploitation (i.e. promiscuity) is becoming more and more acceptable? And extra-marital cheating a la Bill Clinton? Is it any wonder we have an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases? A high divorce rate? A high teen suicide rate?
Is it any wonder we have a high out-of-wedlock birth rate? So many young girls becoming mothers? So many fatherless homes? "Gang-banging" kids killing other young gang members? It seems like the patients are taking over the asylum.
If we are ever going to durably reverse these trends, if we are ever going to reduce/eliminate the influence of depraved people, we are going to have to do a much better job of learning and imparting moral truths.
But we don't teach morality like we teach math or physics or English. We hardly teach morality at all; and it's such a complex subject it's difficult to expect people to learn it on their own.
As a society, we not only need to learn how to logically defend our values; but once we learn that, we must teach our children those logical defenses. If we don't, we can't expect them to blindly or automatically adopt those values. It's just not realistic.
1. Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times, Sept. 12, 1990, "Arts & Show" section, p. 37.
2. Jorge Casuso, "Learning to say no on film," Chicago Tribune, March 5, 1992, section 1, p. 19.
3. Michael Kilian, "For Stacy Keach, Richard III heralds winter of his content," Chicago Tribune, Oct. 7, 1990, section 5, p. 6.
4. Clarence Petersen, "You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again," Chicago Tribune, March 8, 1992, section 14, p. 2.
5. Walter Scott, "Walter Scott's Personality Parade," Parade, March 3, 1996, p. 2.
6. Hilary de Vries, "Happily ever after," Chicago Tribune, Aug. 9, 1998, section 7, p. 15.
7. Michael Wilmington, "'Midnight' only sometimes gutsy account of writer's double life," Chicago Tribune, Sept. 18, 1998, section 7, p. L.
8. Stephanie Mansfield, "Wild & Woody," USA Weekend, July 5-7, 1996, p. 5.
9. Cheryl Lavin, "Dumb like a fox," Chicago Tribune, Aug. 24, 1997, section 10, p. 16.
10. "News from the casting couch," Chicago Sun-Times, June 10, 2005, p. 52.
11. Peter Keough, "Taking it off takes off," Chicago Tribune, April 30, 1995, section 13, p. 3.
12. Jon Anderson, "The lackluster world of Hollywood glitterati," Chicago Tribune, April 16, 1992, section 5, p. 3.
13. Bill Zwecker, "Hollywood 'Bombshell'", Chicago Sun-Times, March 19, 2010, p. 28.
14. Jacqueline Fitzgerald, "Merlin, we beg thee, thy magic, we need some here at the office," Chicago Tribune, Aug. 28, 1995, section 4, p. 3.
15. Nancy Mills, "Real Life," Chicago Tribune, Jan. 7, 1996, section 13, p. 6.
16. Scurrilous (pen name), "The Web truth hurts," Chicago Sun-Times, Oct. 3, 2008, p. 32.
17. Jeanne Wolf, "America's Favorite Stars," Parade, Nov. 9, 2008, p. 4.
18. Dotson Rader, "I Want To Stand For Something," Parade, Oct. 5, 2008, p. 5.
19. Dotson Rader, "The Mixed-Up Life of Shia LaBeouf," Parade, June 14, 2009, pp. 4-5.
20. Michael J. Bandler, "Vim & Venom," Chicago Tribune, June 28, 1992, section 6, p. 8.
21. Michael Gross, "Celebrity shakeout," Chicago Tribune, May 29, 1991, section 5, p. 3.
22. Anthony Adler, "Alone, together," Chicago Tribune, June 28, 1992, section 13, p. 12.
23. Dotson Rader, "Dennis Quaid," Parade, Sept. 23, 2012, p. 6.
24. Cindy Pearlman, "Paul Rudd tries his luck with 'Schmucks,'" Chicago Sun-Times, July 25, 2010, "Sunday Show" section, p. 4.
25. Dennis McLellan, "Honored for war stint, role on Broadway," Chicago Tribune, Dec. 26, 2012, section 2, p. 5.
26. Bettina Drew, "Husbands and Lovers," Chicago Tribune, Oct. 20, 1996, section 14, p. 3.
27. Jay Tolson, "Director With a Cause," U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 1/Dec. 8, 2008, p. 54.
28. Shawna Malcom, "Cory Monteith's Turning Point," Parade, June 26, 2011, p. 11.
29. Mark Morrison, "The Amazing Low-Key Life of Charlize Theron," USA Weekend, Dec. 9-11, 2011, p. 7.
30. Dotson Rader, "Life After Harry," Parade, Jan. 8, 2012, p. 12.
31. Cindy Pearlman, "Actor Slater gets his life together after stint in jail," Chicago Sun-Times, Sept. 27, 1998, "Showcase" section, p. 3E.
32. Abbie Jones, "Cleese's clinic," Chicago Tribune, April 11, 1993, section 5, p. 3.
33. Hugh Hart, "King of the road," Chicago Tribune, Aug. 8, 1991, section 5, p. 3.
34. Richard Zoglin, "10 questions for Billy Crystal," Time, Oct. 17, 2005, p. 8.
35. Diane Joy Moca, "'Living Color's' Jim Carrey flies solo on cable," Chicago Tribune, Nov. 16, 1991, section 1, p. 26.
36. Lawrence Grobel, "One Banana Peel After Another," Parade, Aug. 3, 1997, p. 8.
37. Mal Vincent, "'A Bug's Life' gives Diller the royal treatment," Chicago Tribune, Dec. 17, 1998, section 5, p. 9C.
38. John Blades, "Dead-on humor," Chicago Tribune, April 26, 1991, section 5, p. 2.
39. Michael J. Bandler, "Creative force," Chicago Tribune, Feb. 16, 1992, section 6, p. 4.
40. Ed Bark, "Jim J., Tammy Faye an intriguing team," Chicago Tribune, Jan. 27, 1996, section 1, p. 24.
41. "10 Questions," Time, May 3, 2010, p. 4.
42. Neal Justin, "Women, anti-heroes took spotlight in 2012," Chicago Tribune, Dec. 26, 2012, section 4, p. 4.
43. Richard Roeper, "Comics: If it's unfunny, don't say it," Chicago Sun-Times, July 30, 2012, p. 35.
44. Roger Ebert, "Do we really need to see 'Tintin' in 3-D," Chicago Sun-Times, Dec. 30, 2011, "Movies" section, p. 4.

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Do you have ever had intention to write but it is blank on your mind. Yes sometimes so, And right now I have totally now idea about what to write down. But I am eager to try writing even nothing on my mind. Today not much I have to do with my main job unless little briefing and little type on my computer. Even I have time to spend my rest time with some colleague upstairs. We talk any topics from job to anything else matter. And in the lunch time we order to office boy to buy our lunch and enjoy together our menu like rice, vegetables, some fried-eggs and little others. Hmm this lunch feel good even the things are quite common.

After lunch with stomach are full then we take a pray and followed by discussing little job. We just supervise some other job implementing on the floor upstairs and much more to spend relax time. Due to any other thing to do then I am trying to read some hobbies in the internet. I search some advertising and some light articles. Then it is arise in my think to write on my blogs and I find it blank on my head.

So what else I should type now, hmmm maybe about end of day. This is supposed such heavy topics I think but let us see. From certain source I have been read that next hundred and sixty years the end of day shall be coming. So it is based on the prediction of wise man. All of you may not believe or some other may believe. Any religion probably teach us that end of day surely will be coming, because this world is only a moment.

Relevant to this opinion we may think that water also will be run out someday, isn’t it. If today we may drink any much water we want but next ten or twenty years water might be run out and we may not drink as we need. It is very scares of imagining but that is the fact. And this earth / globe is also consists f some layers that derived from fire in the center of this globe then very hot land or mud. Actually the surface of this land only very thin compares to overall size. Someday the center of fire getting hotter and hotter and may explode this exciting place.

Our universal also consists of some planet and stars in which some day will occur crash among the planet. It is still any other part of this universal that if we think even logically it may not last forever. That is why the end of the day not such utopia but realistic. So are all of you ready to face this judgment day or we still exploit this source as much as we need. So are you already doing some good thing to human kind and to the earth. If you think that all of big thing around us are really just a moment thing then prepare at your best before end of day real coming and end up all the things.

A part time

Friday, January 12, 2007

We all know being employment either in company or institution sometimes not a warranty for all the need fulfilled. Most of us really need a part time job to contribute extra income. By hanging only onto one job is often very risky. Not only we must tightly allocate our expense but we may in shortage budget as well. We knew so far there some teacher of high school in City still occupy in informal job. Some of them being motorcycle riders who driving passenger home. In bahasa Indonesia this kind job is called “tukang ojeg”.

Some other employment need to drop in traditional market to sell anything once his office closed. Perhaps, there are only shortlisted employments who are satisfied to their income. This group do not need part time job since their need are covered. We may call them budget free employment. In the term of economic that some employment that choose staying home instead of searching for more money indicate they already reach comfort zones.

Why this phenomenon of part time job often exists, maybe reflect the level of society welfare. The more advance a country do, the more people living in comfort zones. Our country that might represents an underdeveloped country force people to search additional job.

From the view of individual life, those who are in part time job will have less time to spend time with family. They also spend more time working than normal worker who are enough living in single job.

Unfortunately it is not easy to find just part time job. It is simple to understand that there are more unemployment people over there. Then it is lucky if someone get another job since there are more people for limited job.

One important question arise, is there more productive to let people handle double job than single one. The answer is probably not because he needs to share his energy and focuses on more activities. This often happens on government officers that their main jobs are not optimal while they even insist on other jobs for more money.

So let it be anyway since every body has their own right to fulfill the needs. Surely they are free to hunt anything kind of job while they are obliged to act along the rule.

Driving Environment

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Have you ever driven car in big city like Jakarta. If so, then what kind of comment or experience of yours about the traffics. Have you heard that driving in Jakarta represent one of the wildest environment ever. Why not, if you are facing such traffic in a mass or cars overlapping everywhere across the street. Yes the behavior of common driver in this city are really bad – not to mention worse. What kind of traffic signals that no compromise obeyed on every other countries, in facts are not done properly here.

If you see white straight lines mean you are not allowed to cross, but still it often crossed anyway. In every freeway there is one space in the bank functioning for emergency. If there are ambulances or police car having emergency matter then they drive away on it. But this part of freeway always driven through by any cars except there is a police patrol.

In this country everything must be supervised by state officer or some incident of law breaking instead. Another simple one in the stopping lamps often cars stand crossing the lines. In addition there are more bicycles spread away around the street and stand everywhere. Bicycles are usually act worse by instance of taking another part of street. Talking about bicycle will not end up in short. It needs another discussion.

There was a manager coming from Singapore and he tries driving himself around the city. What he finally comment is driving in the City need high braveness and patient behavior unless you are going to fell stress and under-pressured. That is why from more population of expatriate working in Jakarta only little of them may drive themselves. The most rest of them need to hire local driver and just sleep along the way rather than thinking the complicated street running.

I myself have no experience driving aboard except in some Asian Country. I think Malaysia and Singapore have rather smooth way of driving. Despite the traffic is more rule minded condition of street is better as well. Moreover behavior of most drivers are better.

I think the point of driving problem on the street is behavior and awareness of traffic rule. If every car in normal queues as street sign then every driver will feel comfort and patience to face the jam. The traffic will automatically run well and under control. On the other hand if everybody races to break the sign of traffic then it creates a war in the street. Consequently people become panic and behave terror each other.

Police and officer need to straightly force the law in the street. No compromise or no exceptions may apply to all drivers. Whoever breaking the rule must be stop and punish. The longer complicated situation happen the more difficult to solve the problem. It is better late than never.

A new thing

Thursday, May 19, 2007

What supposed to do when you are getting into new world, into new environment and even into new mindset. It needs years to build our values and cultures. Our mindset already shaped anyway and you must change. Yes, we often to change to involve our new role. When you graduated then get into new job you must change.

When you are single then probably you get married then you need to change. In job community often everything to change. You may first place on marketing then you are rotated to Customer Service or Public Relation. You must change otherwise you face difficulties on activities needed. As human it is required to learn many things. You are ideally not such specialized person. You are such operators that must be ready face new thing and various role. Recently I was invited to other department. I have been years working from various field of department. I have ever been marketer, a buyer, an importer, services and more. It seems that I face new thing in the job. Everything however becomes not so hard since everyone around you care. They are such good person and good team. You are anyway just required to make little modification gradually. Person understands that you need not change extremely. It is just beginning but you convince it will be fine in the future. Optimistic and spirit are important. Once you have it you are not necessary to afraid of. We may learn from our baby. Do you remember that a baby had never been worried. Once he must move he move. Then he must learn moving around, sitting and so on. Finally he should be standing, walking and running. All the things he will act so. No worries how many times he fell down he was back trying. It is nature, isn’t it. New thing is really such not magic word or situation. If we assume we can so it will be. One of the crucial steps is a spirit. If we always have spirit then we are able to start. Starting is important. So let it start in the first chance.

Beyond Leadership

Saturday, September 06, 2008

As being a student in Master Management, We much learn the individual, group and organization in the lecture of Organizational Behavior. Leadership is one of main topic among these elements. The method of the teaching of Organizational Behavior in which include narration, presentation, discussion, life case and guest lecturer.
One of the guest lecturers is ever describing us about concepts of leadership. This lecture is very special since he is a practical together with academicals. He makes us quite astonishing with his talented orator and very interesting topic that ever narrated. He shared with us his long, valuables and worthy life experience for more than three decades in banking while other activities is done as well like being lecturer in academic school.

He is very smart designer of leader to blend in such best way between academic basic of leadership and non-academic ones. He is a character to personally blend the essence of leadership that is derived from both academic school and practical institution. He described very well around twelve concepts of leadership that really derives from formal academic knowledge but in the source of experience, culture and history.

After almost one trimester completely we have learnt Organizational Behavior, then we have been assigned to set up retention of the book written by Dr. Djokosantoso Moeljono. For myself this book is really meaningful and worthy to comprehend and further to implement in our carrier. We then understand and more aware of what we should do to learn and comprehend leadership that will be very useful to our next guidelines into organization development.


Beyond leadership teach us many things. As being a leader it is not sufficient to adopt the basic leadership only from academic side or formal source. Beyond both of source, there have been many leadership clues and essence to comprehend and to implement. Leader is dynamic and strategic position, it is necessary to accompany along with dynamic and strategic leadership as well. History, culture, environment, and experience are source of leadership elements that we would rather adopt and learn it than disobey it.

Some of managers have proved it that formal leadership sometimes not sufficient to challenge more dynamics competition and environments, it is still require beyond leadership to cover the rest area. Some managers or leaders are sometimes very smart and brilliant at the beginning but then easy to surrender at the end, they fail to challenge the more complicated things faced by organization. It is kind of lack of maturity or lack of leadership competence. The leader needs so many requirements as such high vision, value, courage, competence and strong characters. These high conditions are preserved to conduct against the organization failure.

History, facts and experiences are ever personalized by great leaders show us the role of beyond leadership that together with formal leadership is forming to more reliable and credible leader. In addition, the leader, together with the people are playing more important role than other like software and hardware. Leader makes thing happen.

In the modern and dynamic organization the more leadership will be required to keep on maintaining balance with the faster environment and competition. Beyond leadership that originally derived from culture, experience, previous facts are getting more significant to cover the rest area that not plotted by formal and conventional leadership.

The writer with his practical experience and long life learning of leadership is really contribute onto management in general, and organization in specialty, to enrich the landscape of leadership. People and public are then hoped to respond the stimulus of this opinion of leadership in order they may pull out the advantages of this shared-saying opinion. People and public further are able to judge in proportionally between the leader capacity and organization concern and then they fully support and correct any missing of leadership.

To the student who represents the next candidate of leader, this landscape of opinion will be valuable and worthy to adopt and start implementing by now. They still have a lot of time to learn, analyze and perfect the opinion against the change of organization. Leadership, ethic, and business law are better to carry out in the earlier institution of academic, like high school, to plant its seed and let it grow up inside along their personality.

And Just a story

Friday, November 03, 2006

What we are having now sometimes still not we accept. As human being we are always not enough of everything given. When you still able to sleep well at your convenience mattress or when you may choose any food you want are indicating you are quite rich. Often what we already had likely home, cars, land, savings, bond, stocks or everything seems not satisfy us. Until you compare or realize that there is even more other person do not have even just their own home. They even still rent the home and always in shortage of money to buy just food.

So some religions always teach us that please accept and thank anything given to you before everything gone from you. If you still have food for today you are such lucky person in the world since there are many others being in hungry.

A friend of mine recently came to my place for the thing. He is 54 years old and has two sons that study in high school and university. His job first was smooth and he got good payment. He is already twelve years on his job. His company first had many employments and running well. This is operating for years until recently business getting tight and complicated. To get just little order is such hard thing to reach. Company surely runs down and its finance getting worse. Some effort already done and seem not show well return.

At last with the rest of energy the company start fire one by one employment. From almost a hundred people now left only six people. Asset of company sell gradually to back up operation cost. Practically there is no job and no any revenue as well. It is such a hard situation they are facing this moment.

What they are trying to do now absolutely difficult and seem no way out available. From our conversation I understand that company with only six guy now trying all out to survive. They are doing some breakthrough and hope a little revenue. Until yesterday the effort seem not getting things.

My friend who is being old with burden of his family describes completely sadness story. He just surrenders to the nature and just prays for his life. So considering this story that is why we are always to have good feeling of whatever we are given. Because whatever happen tomorrow is always our beyond.

Car Modification

Never Dies " { a wardoyo 's blog }

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nowadays modification shows increasingly either in number or in style. The more model is applied the more idea is inspired. Some people from different ages go to fight their creativities. Not only in big cities but modification attacks them in rural as well. The object of modification not merely for used car but brand new car often got its modification by owner enthusiastic. Workshop and showroom of modification parts stretches widely in some cities. The more number of cars coming the more demands for modification rose up. For them money is not merely everything but satisfaction of successful beauty car they finally find. Modification becomes interesting and impact new newspaper and magazines born to print out modification issues in its pages.

Some sources mention modification may divide into some categories. Just mention body car modification represents one of that commonly to get attention from. Some owners of car want to change model into better style or rather extreme. The body modification may involve eye catching color or change the model from its originated. Colorful paint often carried out onto the body to get more attractive in style. The color may be result of trial mixing or inspired by specific color from everywhere. The owner just come to workshop and indicates what they want. So, the rest of job will be workshop turn and the owner will pay after finish. It sometimes takes some days until months of workshop.

Plastic or Fiber material is also popular for modification. The character of material that easy to shape is consideration its widely used among the modification workshop. The fiber material may be as the built in of the model or to widen the body of the cars. These two item modification painting and plastic fiber material are most familiar among the hobbies.

Next category may be the suspension of the car. Since wheel and suspension represent the style of the car then it often being object of modification. Street car user often chose the bigger wheel size to theirs. It commonly calls minimalist style since modification just touches the foot of the cars. The suspension has it variety like gas, liquid, combine or air suspension. This often spends more expensive money since its price is pretty high. Liquid suspension is intent to most condition of the road, the gas one for more reactive maneuver, combine gas and liquid suspension is designed for its compromise while air suspension, the sophisticated one is aim to more luxury cars for more comfort.

The last category will be the engine of the cars modification. From Japanese source was mentioned that this category covering first, second and third stage. The first stage covers modification of firing system like ignites, cable and coil. The originated one is replaced by the race parts standard. The second stage further touches the exhaust system. The exhaust system from engine, header to end flow of exhaust got its modification. The design changes into race scheme. The last one will be the parts inside of the engine. Valve, spring and piston of the engine may be replaced by the more performer ones.

The aim of modification will sometimes be subjective and different from one to another. Some just want their vehicle looks more attractive, more style and more eye looking. The others may hope theirs become faster and more in performance.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Anyone of you may get bored on daily routine activities. Day to day or week to week seems the same for anything around. Then getting bored may be human life character that mostly we are facing today. Some advices come to us that we may create our alternative activities. For those who are still being students some extra activities may be the solution. Whether it is sport, art, dancing or clubbing seems more popular recently. Some schools are now offering kind of extracurricular may fulfils students need. Some others even have more variant of activities like outbound or traveling.

How about some workers around whether they are in office or manufacture. It may be the same that routine job will born bored-feeling. Let’s have a look at manufacture where people do same thing time to time. Not to mention for years, just few months will impact people get quite bored. If there are no other optional activities then we may imagine how high level of this boring thing. That is why some company release policy of five working days a week. It is equivalent to government regulation that labor may be occupied for forty hours a week or eight hours a day.

Then what kind of occasion thing they do on their waste time. Some people may have side business and some other may have joint productive activities. Whatever it do in shortly people need thing different to compensate their routine job. Moreover in office there will be some facilities available to utilize. There is internet in our computer, sport or fitness in gymnasium or just relaxing in other places. So, it is more common today that people working in office will often go some where on their busy time fulfilling the need. It is no matter that they may go outside after working hours or even at night. Derivative businesses that may arise around offices much more exist recently.

There now some restaurant, sport center, or convenient places where people may spend theirs beyond working time. It is similar to my office situation that some entertainment places now much offering. Just to mention like gymnasium, restaurant or just massage place. It is natural to understand how it will be boring without relaxing as a way out. Human life may be short or human stress may increase as getting bored nearly explodes.

Night Of Vi

Life goes on and you must play inside. At the moment you feel fine and another moment you fell bad. As a worker, instead you are rich, have company or big asset, you must go to work. No matter where it is, at office, city, town, rural or even farm or forest. But some of you usually work in the city, no matter small or big. What about your night life, hmm it will vary among of you. One soon goes home once the office finish. Another often goes home late even not really working the office. They may do something, chat, relax or just wait the traffic. Some other may disappear in the black night. You may goes to coffee, street, pub or some other crowded. Yes you spend time at night in the grey of pub light. Indeed you really have so many choices of releasing your energy. Being part of white collar, or even blue collar community it is not too much spending the free times as it has. Daily job, meeting, negotiation or just routine job will attack you getting old and hard.

Just mention short name, Vi is young girl you met at the pub. Not really the pub but the place providing some room for singing, dancing or other crazy night move. Vi is just 22 years old and still studying at university in the city. If you ask her why choosing job like that she just answer short, need money. What about the parent, do they provide enough money for studying, she then answer yes. You may become more curious with her short act. Well you may not be going to “investigate” or “justify” her, but back to your first willing, just spend the night with the girl, sing, dance or little drink, soft or hard, or alcohol, hmm. Time goes by and night goes black, there have been three couple really in the room, two couple is seen romantic and act kissing, holding and whatever they want. He and Vi just sit, talk, little drink and sometimes sing without dance. As you may guess easily Vi, who really sweet with long hair try to approach him. She drinks rather much and seem starting to out of control.

Hmm night goes fast and from nine PM, now already at 00 AM. When the stuff comes in and ask whether the room will terminate or extent, soon they point to extent. Two couple becomes crazier with their girl. Kissing, holding, loving and whatever they do except having sex surely. They still have little awareness anyway not to do such bad thing. Vi juts relax and rely her head down to his shoulder. She tells that long time not to drink alcohol and now, as her senior will, she must drink the night. First glass makes Vi hot, and second glass then makes her down. She soon run to lavatory and pour down all her alcohol out from her mouth. Even Vi ever been at the pub previously, being lady escort certainly, but it had been few years. Now again Ve try to apply being lady’s and apparently this night is her first presence. Vi however thank to him since he not insist her to drink alcohol, her senior did it.

Well now it seems 2 AM already and the place almost closes down. Vi’s head still laid upon his shoulder and other two couple still being crazy with their mass. But the life must goes on and tomorrow everyone must back to work. Even Vi hold him and behave such romantic but he and two other gentle must leave. It’s just the night spending with Vi and the pub.

Semarang, April, 13th

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Rebecca Hall Box Office

DateTitle (click to view)StudioLifetime Gross / TheatersOpening / TheatersRank
5/3/13 Iron Man 3 BV $399,659,094 4,253 $174,144,585 4,253 1
12/7/12 Lay the Favorite RTWC $20,998 61 $20,998 61 11
8/17/12 The Awakening (2012) Cohen $175,088 70 $95,933 70 9
5/13/11 Everything Must Go RAtt. $2,711,643 245 $791,676 218 7
9/17/10 The Town WB $92,186,262 2,935 $23,808,032 2,861 2
4/30/10 Please Give SPC $4,033,574 272 $118,123 5 6
2/5/10 Red Riding Trilogy IFC $151,644 9 $14,526 1 10
12/5/08 Frost/Nixon Uni. $18,622,031 1,105 $180,708 3 5
8/15/08 Vicky Cristina Barcelona MGM/W $23,216,709 726 $3,755,575 692 4
2/23/07 Starter for 10 PicH $216,839 32 $37,141 20 8
10/20/06 The Prestige BV $53,089,891 2,305 $14,801,808 2,281 3

Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation
RankTitle (click to view)StudioAdjusted GrossUnadjusted GrossRelease
1 Iron Man 3 BV $399,659,100 $399,659,094 5/3/13
2 The Town WB $92,070,300 $92,186,262 9/17/10
3 The Prestige BV $64,311,700 $53,089,891 10/20/06
4 Vicky Cristina Barcelona MGM/W $25,674,200 $23,216,709 8/15/08
5 Frost/Nixon Uni. $20,593,200 $18,622,031 12/5/08
6 Please Give SPC $4,028,500 $4,033,574 4/30/10
7 Everything Must Go RAtt. $2,672,300 $2,711,643 5/13/11
8 Starter for 10 PicH $250,200 $216,839 2/23/07
9 The Awakening (2012) Cohen $171,200 $175,088 8/17/12
10 Red Riding Trilogy IFC $151,500 $151,644 2/5/10
11 Lay the Favorite RTWC $20,700 $20,998 12/7/12

Worldwide (Unadjusted)
Title (click to view)StudioWorldwideDomestic / %Overseas / %Year
Iron Man 3 BV $1,203.5 $399.7 33.2% $803.8 66.8% 2013
The Town WB $154.0 $92.2 59.9% $61.8 40.1% 2010
The Prestige BV $109.7 $53.1 48.4% $56.6 51.6% 2006
Vicky Cristina Barcelona MGM/W $96.4 $23.2 24.1% $73.2 75.9% 2008
Frost/Nixon Uni. $27.4 $18.6 67.9% $8.8 32.1% 2008
Please Give SPC $4.3 $4.0 93.5% $280k 6.5% 2010
Everything Must Go RAtt. $2.7 $2.7 100% n/a 0% 2011
Starter for 10 PicH $1.7 $217k 12.5% $1.5 87.5% 2007
Lay the Favorite RTWC $21.0k $21.0k 100% n/a 0% 2012